CityWatch, delivered by Auckland Council and co-funded by Heart of the City, works to support a safe city centre environment in line with Auckland’s bylaws, including the Signs and Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaws.
The team’s on-street presence is supported by the police when enforcement of the law or bylaws is required.
CityWatch operating hours:
Mon: 8 am-4:30 pm
Tues-Sun: 7 am-7 pm
CityWatch can help when:
- There’s obstruction of footpaths or in front of building entrances by materials or people.
- There’s intimidating behaviour or aggressive begging.
- There’s a breach of a liquor ban (please note, CityWatch only have the power to request the alcohol is tipped out and cannot seize it).
- There’s an encampment of mattresses, tents or shelters set up.
- Buskers are excessively noisy or perform for longer than 60 minutes.
How to request CityWatch assistance
Contact CityWatch on 027 7240899. If this number is unanswered, contact Auckland Council at (09) 301 0101 so a job can be logged.
For more serious concerns, call 111 if it is an emergency or 105 for non-emergency.
For other issues about illegal dumping, rubbish and recycling, street cleaning, damage to public assets or graffiti removal, report it to Auckland Council. If a footpath or street needs repair or attention, contact Auckland Transport.