Our Priorities and Annual Plan for 2024/25
Our focus for 2024/25
After eight years of major construction impacts, COVID and the cost of living affecting discretionary spending, 2024/2025 is an important step towards achieving the vision. It is vital to address barriers to visitation, including safety and accessibility, and capitalise on the things that people love (such as dining, waterfront, events), and the significant investment planned and underway, to build positive feelings towards the city centre and to bring more people here.
Our four strategic pillars underpin our work programme, and we will focus on the priorities that we can deliver and/or influence most effectively. We have two key goals this year.
A one-page overview of our Annual Plan 2024/25 is available here, with a more detailed summary below.
Goal One: Improve perceptions to bring More People to the city centre
One of our key goals is to change the way people feel about the city centre and bring more people in yearly by rebuilding value, reputation and demand. By 2026, we want the city centre to be a place that people want to be – businesses, visitors and locals alike.
Key initiatives include:
Marketing, communications and PR:
- Build a positive narrative about the city centre – with inspiring content through our own channels as well as PR to support our events, other initiatives and opportunities to attract visitation.
- Campaign to reposition the city centre to drive visitation and improve overall sentiment, with support from Auckland Council and the city centre targeted rate.
- Targeted ‘Always On’ marketing – communicate the ever-changing offer of the city centre - leveraging the range of experiences (such as events, dining, art, nightlife) and enhance consumer knowledge of what’s in place to positively support the city centre such as safety programmes and access information. We will regularly engage with businesses, private partners, Council stakeholders, event providers and owner-operators to help deliver their content.
Activation, Events and Placemaking:
- Implement a new Christmas initiative, and support events and activations to secure the city centre as Auckland’s ‘Home of Christmas.’
- Deliver and promote signature HOTC events - Restaurant Month and Art Week to increase visitation and create opportunities for business involvement.
- Amplify third-party events including Matariki ki te Manawa, Lunar New Year and Diwali that showcase Auckland’s diverse cultures and ethnicities and support visitation.
- Activation and placemaking: Collaboration with Council on city centre targeted rate funded activations and placemaking opportunities, including the Vacant Spaces programme in the Queen Street and Midtown area.
Economic Development
- Support private sector investment by identifying opportunities to influence the offer; collaborate with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited on their investment programme; and publish Quarterly Research insights to support industry enquiries.
- Grow Night-Time Economy (NTE) by actioning practical opportunities to grow the NTE through promotion; our signature events – Restaurant Month and Art Week and safety programme; and participation with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited's NTE programme.
HOTC Operations
- Data monitoring to see changes in perceptions and support other HOTC activity.
- Engagement with members will be undertaken through relationships, surveys and face-to-face, seeking participation in our activities and identifying opportunities with us to deliver elements of our annual plan.
Goal Two: Reduce Barriers to Visitation:
Our perceptions research clearly indicates the barriers to visitation that must be overcome to support the achievement of Goal 1 – primarily safety, cleaning and accessibility.
Key initiatives include:
- Heart of the City Safety Team will continue to provide quality support to businesses in the core Queen Street Valley area and contribute to an improved experience and perception of safety.
- Reporting to Police via StoreWatch and Auror trial – which involve city centre businesses – to build evidence and support reduction in crime.
- Collaborate with the Auckland Council Compliance programme – including keeping a focus on achieving compliance with the Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaw - and Police, citywide security teams, community patrols and others to achieve a cohesive approach to addressing safety concerns in the city.
Ensure momentum for a cross-agency approach that continues to deliver results, with a stronger police presence and a downtown police station; as well as our fair share of resources to complement local safety initiatives and legislative change to improve safety outcomes.
City Operations
- Influence improved public realm maintenance and cleaning. This is primarily Council’s responsibility; however, we will continue to monitor and raise issues with relevant partners for resolution.
- Event and public works assessments to identify where there may be issues for businesses, such as business continuity, that need mitigating.
Auckland Transport data and our perceptions research highlight the importance of ensuring the city centre is functional and accessible for all users and modes, and that people have good information about transport options, including parking.
We will:
- Promote all transport options through our marketing and communications channels to help raise awareness and reduce negative perceptions.
- Work with providers to facilitate affordable and more consistent pricing of parking.
- Advocate for improved access outcomes through key across Council group projects, including Downtown West, servicing and loading in Midtown and access to the Aotea Arts Quarter in Queen Street.
City Centre Planning and Development
- Ensure that business needs are understood and incorporated into advice to Council and through our participation in the City Centre Advisory Panel (CCAP) and ensure that the city centre targeted rate is appropriately allocated.
- Ensure that business needs are factored into public projects and that there is support for businesses impacted by construction. Key projects include Midtown, High Street, Downtown West, Time of Use Charging.
- Foot traffic and spend - these are reported through our quarterly insights
- Reduction in reported crime and improved perceptions of safety
Read the 2023/24 priorities here
Read our latest Annual Highlights here