Putting up business signs
The Auckland Council Signs Bylaw 2022 outlines rules on what’s permitted in terms of signage here. It also helps ensure that signs don’t get in the way of people walking on the footpath, or traffic on the roads or stop people from seeing into a business.
What’s permitted?
A range of signage can help support business promotion, including:
Veranda signs
These can only be fixed to the board on the outside edge of the veranda or under the veranda. They can only advertise the business and things you can buy or do there.
Horizontal and flat wall-mounted signs
These cannot cover any windows and need to comply with special and general rules about illumination, animation and vehicle and pedestrian safety.
Free-standing business signs that are either:
- Identification signs (these mark a particular area and confirm you’re at that location)
- Menu board signs (these list products and prices)
- Wayfinding signs (these help people find a place)
They must not be placed on the road (public spaces) and can only be placed on a site such as a property.
What’s not permitted?
- All portable signs (i.e. flags and sandwich boards)
This long-standing rule prohibits all of these in public places (streets and squares) in the city centre. This keeps the footpath clear for people and clutter-free.
Need help with understanding what’s permitted and what may require consent?
Auckland Council outlines the requirements for each sign type in the city centre here.
Alternatively, contact the Auckland Council planning help desk here.
What about compliance?
CityWatch supports compliance with relevant bylaws, including the Signs bylaw and Public Safety and Nuisance bylaw.
As part of their day-to-day compliance role, they will visit businesses to support them in becoming compliant, offering advice about alternatives as part of their graduated approach to enforcement.
For businesses impacted by ongoing construction projects, visibility remains important. Auckland Council will work with businesses in the Midtown area to support this.