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Auckland Transport’s Fareshare to help with employee travel costs

News story
Thursday 30 May 2024

Auckland-based businesses with more than five staff can sign up for Fareshare, where they can subsidise a portion of their staff’s public transport costs for commuting to and from work using Auckland Transport (AT) services.

Staff with  Fareshare loaded onto their AT Hop cards, are charged a reduced fare on eligible trips. Employers can choose to subsidise 25%, 50% or 75% of AT travel from either Monday to Friday or Monday to Sunday, with the difference paid to Auckland Transport monthly.

If an employee leaves the business, they are offloaded to disconnect their HOP card from the Fareshare program.

Additional Benefits:
It’s exempt from fringe benefit tax.  However, it remains the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the fringe benefit tax legislation is complied with regarding subsidised public transport provided to employees.

It can help reduce demand for employee parking, support business sustainability goals, and reduce wider congestion on the roads.  

Contact Auckland Transport to find out more. They can send you a simple cost calculator tool to work out your potential costs. Contact: or