Taste of Auckland comes to the CBD

Over four days from 18 – 21 November, 20,000 passionate food and drink connoisseurs will fill the park to discover, experience and enjoy the very finest collection of restaurants, food and drink available in Auckland's BIG little city.
Over these four days 15 of Auckland's top chefs will prepare thousands of their famed signature dishes in sample-sized portions. There will be a stunning timetable of complimentary entertainment. Over 100 premium brands and producers will ready their businesses to come face to face with a truly fantastic audience.
Join with some of the country's most celebrated restaurants in New Zealand's ultimate gourmet festival.

Contact the festival team at: sales@tastefestivals.co.nz or 09 531 5524
Tickets will be available from August. Visit our website at: http://www.tastefestivals.co.nz/