Transformation so far
The transformation of the city is ongoing. Recent changes to the city centre landscape include the addition of Te Komititanga, the Downtown Programme of works - including Quay Street's upgrade and the creation of Te Wānanga - the Lower Albert Street upgrade as part of the continuing works on the City Rail Link and changes in Wynyard Quarter to enable the America's Cup to take place.
Stepping a little further back, transformational projects to be completed include a number of shared spaces in Darby Street, Lorne Street (outside the library), Fort Street, Jean Batten Place, Fort Lane and O'Connell Street, the Freyberg Place and St Patrick’s Square upgrades.
You can also see a constant stream of new and redeveloped building projects led by private developers.

Precincts like Wynyard Quarter and Britomart have seen major change already, and the transformation continues.