Want to promote an offer on heartofthecity.co.nz?
A Special Offers feature on heartofthecity.co.nz means we can now display your offers and promotions on a dedicated offers page as well as on your business listing page. We'll regularly promote offers from retailers, restaurants, arts and culture venues, hospitality businesses and more through our channels, and consumers will have a place to find out what their favourite businesses are offering.
Please tell us about your offers so we can promote them
Please email info@heartofthecity.co.nz with your business name and the word Offer in the subject line and the following details in the email body:
- A brief summary (30 words or less) of the offer
- Any terms and conditions or limitations to the offer (e.g. until stocks last, available for first 100 persons etc.)
- The start and end date of the offer is also necessary
- A relevant high res image is also preferred. If not supplied, the hero image on your business listing or a suitable stock image will be used in its place.
Pointers for your offer
- Any offers or promotions that you currently have in market, or that are planned in the near future
- Needs to be unique to your business
- Should have appeal to your customers - but does not need to be discount based. Offer examples include:
- A kids eat free dining offer
- A gift with purchase
- A dinner and drink bundle
- $10 cocktails every Friday from 3-4pm.
- Ideally your offer will be in market for at least two weeks to allow for increased exposure and more time for consumers to take it up.
- We can display more than one offer at a time, so please feel free to send through all that you would like us to feature
- Your offers will display on both the offers landing page and your listing page
- Offers will drop off automatically when they expire